PROJECT “Smart public sector management through sustainable regional development”

Project duration: September 9, 2015 – April 30, 2016.

Project partners: Ignalina District Public Health Office, Ignalina District Municipality, Public Institution Alanta Technology and Business School, Molėtai District Municipality, Utena District Municipality, Utena Social Care Home, Kaunas District Municipality, Marijampole College, Asker Næringsråd (Norway), Fleksibel utdanning Norge (Norway).

Project aim: to develop smart public sector management by conveying the Norwegian partners knowledge and best practices that enable regional sustainable development, hence, contribute to regional policy, regional development as well as implementing and using these Norwegian practices and knowledge in order to adapt them to the Republic of Lithuania municipal institutions.

Program: NOR-LT10 “Capacity-building and institutional state, the beneficiary, and the Norwegian public institutions, local and regional government cooperation”.

Funding mechanism: NOR-LT10-VRM-01-TF.

Funded by: Lithuanian College of Democracy and Norwaygrants financial mechanisms

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